Terms & Conditions
Last updated: 5 Feb 2025
- We do not purchase hot tubs that are more than 8 years old.
- All quotes are based on the information provided by you, the seller. Sell Your Tub will not honor any quotes if the information provided is found to be inaccurate. After inspection, Buy My Hot Tub will either make an offer based on the actual condition or reject the offer if the product or access does not match the details originally provided. Any issues, defects, or damages will be highlighted during the inspection.
- We will only offer payment for hot tubs that are in a removable and saleable condition. We reserve the right to make no offer if the hot tub is deemed inaccessible or uncollectible due to poor site conditions or the hot tub's overall condition.
- Any information and photos submitted by the seller will be automatically deleted from our servers after 60 days.
- All quotes are non-binding and do not obligate either party to proceed with the transaction.
- The seller has the right to cancel the transaction by providing 48 hours’ written notice.
- Buy My Hot Tub reserves the right to cancel the transaction with 1 day’s written notice.
- All sales must be confirmed in writing (via email) by both parties.
- The seller has the right to cancel the transaction by providing 48 hours’ written notice.
- All access routes to the hot tub must be clear of any obstructions (e.g., bins, brick piles, etc.) before our team arrives for collection.
- All photos submitted must be no more than 2 weeks old at the time of submission.
- Full payment will be made only on the day of collection.
Get in touch for help and support:
Call us on: 07895 960302
Email: info@buymyhottub.co.uk